Manufacturers generate a complex mix of recyclables and require the sort of customized recycling program only International Paper delivers. We have a nationwide network of professional drivers and third-party transportation partners as well as the industrial scale and expertise to handle any volume and paper type. Our customer-centric mindset ensures quality service, accurate reporting and timely payment to our customers.
- Customized recycling solutions for all paper types
- Equipment placement options to collect recyclables
- Guaranteed movement
- Nationwide transportation network of in-house trucks and third-party providers with safe and professional drivers
- Accurate, timely recycling reporting to aid state reporting requirements
- Timely payments backed by FORTUNE-500 balance sheet
- Avoid landfill and contribute to the circular economy of fiber-based products
- Highly competitive rates
- Non-fiber recycling options, including plastics and metals
- Waste minimization consulting
- Safety assessments
- Flexible scheduling to accommodate seasonal fluctuations
- Extended service hours to accommodate dock availability
- Optional weekend / same-day service

Leading Electronics Manufacturer Finds Big Savings Recycling with International Paper
As its cardboard waste hauling bills mounted, a global electronics firm found best-in-class service at lower prices, with an added bonus from IP.